15 Years of Waiting

Matthew Allgood |


The NASDAQ Composite Index's history shows how devastating market downturns can be. After the crash in the early 2000s, it took 15 long years for the index to recover its losses—a stark reminder of how fragile gains can be. With the NASDAQ surging recently, it's critical to recognize that what rises quickly can fall just as fast, often without warning.

Ignoring these lessons could leave portfolios exposed to significant losses if history repeats itself. This is why we take a RiskFirst® approach—because failing to prepare for volatility could mean waiting years, or even decades, to recover.

15 Years of WaitingA graph showing the growth of the stock market

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Sources: Bloomberg, Redwood. Data as of 1/10/2025. Date range from 1/2/1990 - 1/8/2025.


Acera Wealth Management

Disclosure: This piece is for informational purposes only and contains opinions of Redwood that should not be construed as facts. Information provided herein from third parties is obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but no representation or warranty is made as to its accuracy or completeness. Charts and graphs are for illustrative purposes only. Discussion of any specific strategy is not intended as a guarantee of profit or loss. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. The objectives mentioned are not guaranteed to be achieved. Investors cannot invest directly in any of the indices mentioned above. Advisory services are offered through LPL Financial. Acera Wealth Management and LPL Financial are separate and not affiliated entities. Diversification of asset class is not a guarantee against loss. RiskFirst® is a registered trademark of Redwood Investment Management, LLC.

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