Age Omne Bonum

(translation – "Do All Good Things")

We strive to help our clients "do all good things" by engaging with them in the financial planning process, creating deep and meaningful relationships that last for generations. Your Financial Security Is Our Business.

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Matthew grew up the 5th child of a small-town Southern preacher. Growing up in those circumstances instilled in him the values he brings to his work today as a certified financial advisor. Combining that with a solid education and credentials from top universities like Vanderbilt University, where he studied Public Policy; Northwestern U’s Kellogg Graduate School of Management, where he earned an MBA in Marketing & Finance; and DePaul University, where he earned a Certificate in Financial Planning, Matthew has the depth of knowledge and understanding to offer top-notch financial planning services to his clients. His 4 years as a banker in commercial lending pre-MBA, and 8 years of Corporate Finance post-MBA work also give him non-advisory, “real-world” experience. This experience helps him identify with clients and the challenges they face, making him a valued certified financial planner for wealth management retirement planning.

Meet Matthew

Our Process

Our Process

We create strategies that are tailored to your needs and goals.

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Who we are

Who We Are

Have a look at our specialized services and see if they suit what you're looking for.

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Our Services

Our Services

There are many financial products in the market, let us help choose the products best suited to your situation.

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How Much Do You Know About Investing?

These days, investing in financial markets is a common practice. Yet, many Americans remain under-informed about how various investment products really work. Want to bridge this gap? Our wealth management services include a brief quiz, "Test Your Investment IQ," designed to enlighten you. Challenge yourself with our quiz and see where you stand. Whether you need investment management services or asset management services, understanding the basics can significantly contribute to your financial wellness.


Matthew Allgood |
It can be tempting to invest in the recent best-performing investments being heralded by media. Unfortunately, research demonstrates, that investing in recent top-performing assets leads to less-than-expected outcomes. See the chart below, which illustrates sticking with a disciplined plan has historically outperformed chasing the most recent best-performing investments. Shifting Allocations = Poor Results Source: Bloomberg, Redwood. Data as of 5/3/2024. Date Range from 12/31/2004 – 4/30/2024.Cash is represented by the FTSE 3-Month T-bill Index, Bonds...
Matthew Allgood |
Wall Street often advises staying invested, warning that missing the market's 10 Best Days can significantly reduce your returns. As a tactical risk manager, we would argue, “Yes, but missing the 10 Worst Days increases your returns to 15.70%!” Achieving that may be unrealistic but consider missing BOTH the 10 Worst AND the 10 Best Days – your returns are still better than if you just buy and hold. This perspective emphasizes the value of...
Believe it or not social media scams have been picking more pockets than any other scam today––including phone call and text fraud. 1 There have been more than $2.7 billion in losses to social media scams between January 2021 and June 2023. 2 And whether or not you’ve seen these cons in action, they don’t look the same today as they did even a year ago. 2 They’re becoming more personalized and harder to detect...